What does his heaven look like?
Damn it. I was all riled up to do battle with my credit card company and I go to the computer and see that Lux Interior died. He was 60. That bummed me to no end. If you never saw the Cramps live, I have no words to accurately describe the simultaneous jumble of emotions that Lux inspired as frontman. It was a combination of fascination, revulsion, sexiness, and fear with a lot of hell-yeah thrown in. Lux always seemed on the brink of losing control, of seriously injuring himself, but music was always spot-on and the lyrics too witty to come from some mindless freak. Maybe it was the awareness, the intent, that made a Cramps show so...thrilling.

Thank you, Lux. I'd say rest in peace, but that just doesn't seem like your style. Tear that damn place up.